Who: Spike (7livesleft) and Heine (nebenmond) What: A completely random meeting. Where: Docks area, just outside the Task Force headquarters. When: Relatively recent.
Who: Reno (riotinstereo), Yazoo (velveteen_shaft) What: All bad plans have to start somewhere. Where: That dusty bar Reno's been having an affair with. When: Backdated just a bit.
Who: Uchiha Madara destabilizes and Uchiha Sasuke scales_shed What: Sasuke...needs to fix things the best he can :'|. Where: Starting at Eike's place~ When: Now.
Who: Naoto Shirogane, Yosuke Hanamura, and Souji Seta What: Meeting after Souji's arrival! Where: The place the Persona 4 kids took over for living and stuff like that When: October 2nd, backdated to Souji's arrival
Who: Gamma, Uni, Persona kids, NPCs EXCEPT NOT YOU DAI >( and anyone they invited What: Dinner party sob Where: Some random building appropriated for this purpose When: Last night
Who: Rikku chrysophilist, Kadaj revivingruin What: It's a date. 8) What? Where: Starting at Rikku's, and moving on later. When: Yesterday, starting at 7:00 PM
Who: Eike Kusch, Chief Warden Tamaki, Bellatrix Lestrange, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Elena, and OPEN. What: The carnival. Where: The fountain area. When: September 15; late afternoon to evening.
Who: (bloodykatars) Kiros Seagill & (homg_leg_cramp) Laguna Loire What: A reunion between two old friends turns out to be more of a reunion of age old shenanigans. Where: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere a.k.a Nuadoria. When: Not to long after Kiros' network plea for sanity.